Friday, July 9, 2010

Stay overnight at Dwiayu's (on Thu,July 7-8 2010)

Nah sekarang gilirannya gue nginep dirumah dwiayu.dirumah dwiayu kita makan otakotak hm enak deh :9 trs abis itu mandi, ke kamar dwiayu yg diatas nonton tv.gaktau kenapa pas drumah dwiayu gue ngantuk mulu haha padahal baru jam 8 malem tuh -,- trus gue sama dwiayu tidur jam 9 malem lho haha padahal pas dirumah gue, kita tidurnya jam 2 -____- tapi sama aja boong ah haha tidur jam 9 malem eh bangunnya tau gak jam berapa?!? JAM 7 PAGI(AGAIN) HA-HA-HA gak jadi jogging lagi deh hu kesiangan mulu ish -_- trs bangun tidur cucimuka,breakfast,trs nonton tv, mandi deh. abis mandi, gue sama dwiayu ke sekolah buat minta supaya kita sekelas lagi pas kelas 9 tapi.. gakbisa hh damn! :( yauda terima ajadeh -,- abis dari sekolah kita ke warnet HAHA trs abis itu pulang kerumah dwiayu.haha trs kita makan mie,nah abis makan mie perut gue muleeeeeeees bgt(soalnya mie nya pake cabe ijo hwakaka :D) abis makan, gue sama dwiayu main perang bantal haha seru deh udah kayak orang apaantau hh. seru banget deh pokoknya ^O^ tapi gaktaudeh nanti bisa seru seruan nginep kayak gini lagi apa gak hm -_-

Stay overnight at my home :) (on Tue,July 6-7 2010)

When holiday time, I and Dwiayu have a plan to stay overnight :D At first, dwiayu stay overnight at my home. We were sharing, laughed, gossiping, etc and it was excited. We were LAUGHING OUT LOUD until midnight because of UNIMPORTANT thing -_- :D. Actually dwiayu was tired and she's feel sleepy and i'm not feel sleepy yet, then i asked dwiayu to AWAKE and hear my story haha finally she's not sleepin' wkwk whatapity :p. Hm finnaly i'm feel sleepy too but at the same time, dwiayu not feel sleepy yet haha freakin right?-_- then we were sharing and laughing again again again. Yay i'm feel sleepy but don't know why i can't sleep, actually i've done tried to sleepin' but....i can't. Then i called dwiayu's name thrice and you know what??? Dwiayu woke up and she's shocked hahaha she was shocked cause she was think that the ghost called her name LOL. Her face was so FOOL haha then we were laughed again..again..again. Long times..finally we were both can sleepin' tight :). I and dwiayu have a plan to woke up at six o'clock and jogging in the morning BUT suddenly we're woke up lately hh we're woke up at seven o'clock!. Yayaaa After we're just woke up, we're wash our face, having breakfast, and then..we're TAKE A PHOTOS!! :D, then we're take a bath, watchin' tv and in the afternoon, i and dwiayu went to dwiayu's home. Bye~
That's We in photos!! haha -,- Me wear pink t-shirt, dwiayu wear yellow t-shirt

Hannah Montana and Lizzie Mcguire

Hannah Montana and Lizzie Mcguire :]

Saturday, July 3, 2010

wiff fams

Thats my photos with mang iyan, kak ita, kak mila :)

My cat :)

My lovely cat,named 'Cuplis' haha :D cuplis is a 'male cat'. lupyuu cuplis :* He's funny, cute and annoying :P

Elmo wiff Barbie

Look nice :)


Barbie is very beautifuuuul and you know what??! i'm envy -_-


Ow should i'm there in magazine with my friends. LOL!!

Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato :)

They're like me and dwiayu hahaha :P kidding

Harry Potter

Harry potter is amazing and cool! i like it since i'm in primary school! i like harry potter mmmuah :** and i wanna studying there(in hogwarts) and be a dilligent witch like hermione ^O^

Study tour to bandung(June 19th 2010)

This is photos when i'm study tour to bandung!!
Me = Besides nadine
Nadine = Wear black sweater
Siti = Wear pink cardigan
Chabul = Wear yellow bag

Study tour to bandung is very excited but dwiayu not there -_- she's went to the waterboom with her family. There in Bandung, we were take a photos, and many more..


ELMO!! I love elmo so damn much!! I love elmo since i'm in grade 8. I like elmo because of his eyes, his feather, and his voice uuu he's so cute and funny!! XO


Nachacyu is my best friends in 166jhs since Friday, March 13rd 2009.
*Na = Nadine a.k.a Afra Nadina Purwanto
*Cha = Icha Fitria Khoirunnisa(me) and Annisa Lionita
*Cy = Siti Lestari
*U = Dwiayu Maharafni

*Nadine : Gurita
*Icha(Annisa Lionita) : Chabul/paus
*Icha(Me) : Chafit/cumi
*Cty : Gurita
*Dwiayu : Udang

*About Nadine : Nadine itu orangnya egois, enak diajak curhat, ngeselin tapi dia tuh baik. Kadang2 nyebelin tapi asik sih anaknya. Truuus anaknya nyolotin banget. Gue aja sering banget marahan sama dia cuma gara2 hal sepele -__- aneh kan?yayayaa walaupun sifat dia begicuuu dia tetep bestfriends gue :)

*About Annisa Lionita(icha) : Icha itu baik, enak diajak ngobrol, dia itu ember trus kalo bercanda berlebihan banget dan kasar hh -_- tapi icha kocaaaaaaaaaaak bgt haha trs kalo suka sama orang pasti heboh sendiri hmmm -,-

*About Siti Lestari : hm siti itu orangnya baiiiiiiiiiiiik banget, dia paling bisa ngertiin orang tapi dia plin-plan -,- dia tuh punya mantan banyaaaaaaaaak bgt deh hehehe

*About Dwiayu Maharafni : dwi itu temen sebangku gue pas gue kls 8. haha orangnya kocak, lucu, baik, kadang pendiem, ngeselin -,- gue sering banget becanda dan NGOBROL ama dwi dikelas sampe2 disuruh jawab pertanyaan HAHA. dwi itu ngeselin kalo lagi sebel sama gue dia gak bilang gitu hh males deeeh -_- trs dwi itu boros, pelupa, suka ngatain orang tapi dirinya sendiri kayak gitu jg haha, enak diajak curhat, bisa jaga rahasia :)

*Nb photo : paling depan = Gue
belakang gue = Dwiayu Maharafni
belakang dwiayu - Annisa Lionita
belakang Annisa - Siti Lestari
paling belakang = Afra Nadina

Thursday, July 1, 2010

About me

Hey There!!! I'm Fitria Khoirunnisa and Icha is my nickname. I was born on June, 30rd 1996 in Jakarta :) I ♥ Daddy, Mom, my family, my friends, and all people in my life.
ELMO is the most thing i like!!! And i like Cookie monster, barbie, and lollipop too. When i was kid, i'm always playin' Barbie..but now i'd love to see anything or buy something about ELMO.
I'm interested in english and germany languange. Logan Lerman is my boyfriend(Damn it just lie) ;b.
I've been studying at SDN 06 Jagakarsa, and nooow i'm studying in 166JHS grade 9 -_- in my school, i'm joined exskul Taekwondo.
I hate liar and backstabber -_- If you don't like me or hate me..please say it in front of my face, don't talkin' about me behind me! ;b
I have a brother(kak Adhe) and two sisters(Kak Ita & Kak Mila). Kak Mila is the most annoying sister -_- but sometimes, she's kind, kak Ita is the most kind sister, and kak adhe is the most kind brotha too :D.
Nictumituuu :*